The Brand name גם זה יעבור , gam zeh yaavor , when translated in English means 'this too shall pass' has an interesting story as follows::
Once upon a time King Solomon, the wise Jewish king wanted to know “What makes a sad person happy and a happy person sad?” He sent his soldiers to all parts of the world looking for the answer. After searching for years one soldier returned with a ring that had the Hebrew inscription: גם זה יעבור , pronounced as gam zeh yaavor, which means 'this too shall pass'. So when an happy person hears that 'this too shall pass' he becomes sad and when a sad person hears that 'this too shall pass' he becomes happy. And finally the King had his answer : gam zeh yaavor which is the irrefutable truth that makes a sad person happy and a happy person sad”
Therefore enjoy this particular moment which too shall pass with our Premium Red Wine gam zeh yaavor: Wine made from American concord grapes that is tannic and colorful with its unique blend of unoaked flavor. From grapes that are collected at its peak comes the mature but expressive wine, full with body and flavor.